Insense is a platform that streamlines the production of creator ads for business growth.
Insense is a platform that streamlines the production of creator ads for business growth.
Insense is a platform that streamlines the production of creator ads for business growth.
The main project was to redesign the website starting from a new identity and message that the company needed to implement. This new message implied more exposure of the creators on the web, showing the quality of content and different examples of the type of use case that the company can find on the platform.
Insense is a platform that streamlines the production of creator ads for business growth.
The result was a very colorful web page using the different color palettes of the new brand to identify the different use cases, in turn showing different creators divided into the most common use cases on the platform. This change resulted in a considerable increase in the demos scheduled to test the product.
Insense is a platform that streamlines the production of creator ads for business growth.
Insense is a platform that streamlines the production of creator ads for business growth.