Crafting Digital Solutions with Purpose.

Hello! I'm Jose Teran, a seasoned Web Designer dedicated to transforming brands and SMEs with standout digital solutions that not only differentiate but also create a lasting impact on their audience.

Jose Teran

What can I do for you?

Web design

Crafting modern websites that set a high bar for visual creativity and standards.

Strategic Creative Direction
High-Fidelity Prototyping
Brand Strategy Implementation

Delivering reliable projects characterized by their organization, scalability, and manageability.

Optimized Performance
Modular Component Construction
Seamless API Integration
UX/UI Design

Designing intuitive web application interfaces with a focus on user experience and usability

Emphasis on User-Friendliness
Comprehensive Design Systems
Adaptive Responsive Design

Happy clients.

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How i work

Design process

Idea and Product Definition

The journey begins with understanding the essence of a product's existence. It's crucial to grasp the context and purpose before embarking on the creation process.


Robust research is foundational. It guides design decisions, ensuring that every step is informed and intentional. Early investment in research not only enriches the design but also streamlines the development process, saving precious time.


Transitioning from data to insights, the analysis phase is where I decode user data, moving beyond what users express to understanding the underlying reasons. This phase is pivotal in aligning the design with user needs and expectations.


Design is a multifaceted stage where concepts come to life. Here, I engage in a spectrum of activities, from structuring the information architecture to finalizing the user interface decisions. It's a collaborative effort to meld functionality with aesthetics.


Validation stands as a critical checkpoint in the design journey. It's the stage where designs are tested against real-world user expectations and needs. This step is invaluable as it ensures that the solutions not only meet but exceed user requirements.

UX/UI Designer

This is me!

I empower businesses with tailored digital solutions, pushing the boundaries of each project to explore new horizons. My passion lies in embracing challenges and continuously seeking opportunities to enhance my skills and knowledge. This relentless pursuit of growth ensures that I bring fresh, innovative perspectives to every project, driving success and exceeding expectations.